Monday, October 24, 2016

Optimal structure of heterogeneous stem cell niche: The importance of cell migration in delaying tumorigenesis

Optimal structure of heterogeneous stem cell niche: The importance of cell migration in delaying tumorigenesis

Leili ShahriyariAli Mahdipour Shirayeh


Studying the stem cell niche architecture is a crucial step for investigating the process of oncogenesis and obtaining an effective stem cell therapy for various cancers. Recently, it has been observed that there are two groups of stem cells in the stem cell niche collaborating with each other to maintain tissue homeostasis. One group comprises the border stem cells, which is responsible to control the number of non-stem cells as well as stem cells. The other group, central stem cells, regulates the stem cell niche. In the present study, we develop a bi-compartmental stochastic model for the stem cell niche to study the spread of mutants within the niche. The analytic calculations and numeric simulations, which are in perfect agreement, reveal that in order to delay the spread of mutants in the stem cell niche, a small but non-zero number of stem cell proliferations must occur in the central stem cell compartment. Moreover, the migration of border stem cells to the central stem cell compartment delays the spread of mutants. Furthermore, the fixation probability of mutants in the stem cell niche is independent of types of stem cell division as long as all stem cells do not divide fully asymmetrically. Additionally, the progeny of central stem cells have a much higher chance than the progeny of border stem cells to take over the entire niche.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

3D Hybrid Modelling of Vascular Network Formation

3D hybrid modeling of vascular network formation

We develop an agent-based model of vasculogenesis, the de novo formation of blood vessels. Endothelial cells in the vessel network are viewed as linearly elastic spheres and are of two types: vessel elements are contained within the network; tip cells are located at endpoints. Tip cells move in response to forces due to interactions with neighbouring vessel elements, the local tissue environment, chemotaxis and a persistence force modeling their tendency to continue moving in the same direction. Vessel elements experience similar forces but not chemotaxis. An angular persistence force representing local tissue interactions stabilises buckling instabilities due to proliferation. Vessel elements proliferate, at rates that depend on their degree of stretch: elongated elements proliferate more rapidly than compressed elements. Following division, new cells are more likely to form new sprouts if the parent vessel is highly compressed and to be incorporated into the parent vessel if it is stretched. 
Model simulations reproduce key features of vasculogenesis. Parameter sensitivity analyses reveal significant changes in network size and morphology on varying the chemotactic sensitivity of tip cells, and the sensitivities of the proliferation rate and sprouting probability to mechanical stretch. Varying chemotactic sensitivity also affects network directionality. Branching and network density are influenced by the sprouting probability. Glyphs depicting multiple network properties show how network quantities change over time and as model parameters vary. We also show how glyphs constructed from in vivo data could be used to discriminate between normal and tumour vasculature and, ultimately, for model validation. We conclude that our biomechanical hybrid model generates vascular networks similar to those generated from in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Link:arXiv:1610.00661 [q-bio.QM]